公司簡介 History
Established in 1988, Big Honor Entertainment Ltd carried a long history in providing comprehensive service and modernized entertainment to the music industry. We aim to bring in fresher and more energetic ideas towards our entertainment business in both show production and artists’ management. Over the years the company has transformed itself, not only with the support and recognition from the public, but also with our enthusiastic and hard working staff, which helped the company in attaining valuable experiences and successful performances
創始人 林建名博士

大名娛樂主要業務包括籌辦及製作多元化的娛樂演藝相關事業, 包括唱片製作及發行、 藝人管理,籌辦本地、內地及海外演唱會等。不斷創作、不斷尋找是我們對演藝界的執著與堅持,憑著這份信念,我們在過往製作了許多不同類型的節目來滿足各界觀眾的需要。製作認真負責,是我們對觀眾的承諾,展望未來,大名將製作更多高質素節目以回饋各界一直以來的支持。
Arrangements and Shows Production
The main focus of our business is the specialization in production and arrangements of different types of musical events. These ranges from indoor and outdoor concerts, variety shows to on-stage performances and carnivals spreading throughout Hong Kong, China and even the Overseas market. We promise to keep our beliefs and creativity in producing well-organized performances of more excellence and quality
大名娛樂藝人管理自二零零七年成立至今,一直致力發掘及提拔有潛質之新人。並於, 二零一一年,大名娛樂更創立旗下唱片公司「名將音樂」。
Artists Management and Records Production
Our company has been nurturing young talents since 2007 and has plans to expand and develop our Artistes Management further. We have launched a singing competition, in hopes to excavate potential artistes and to build up a fresh image in show businesses. In year 2011-12 Big Honor Entertainment Ltd had set up a new Records Company - Honor Musik.2018 onwards, Big Honor Entertainment Ltd and Honor Musik will keep expanding and improving to become a modern entertainment company with fresh-faced artistes and extensive entertainment coverage in the market.

聯絡我們 contact us
Please attach your CV on a link if you are applying for a job.
Big Honor Entertainment Limited
電話 Tel:(852) 2368 8286
傳真 Fax:(852) 2368 8276
電郵 Email:info@bighonor.com.hk
地址 Address:香港九龍觀塘開源道79號鱷魚恤中心25樓
25/F, Crocodile Center, 79 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Big Honor Entertainment (GZ) Company Limited
電話 Tel:(020) 8757 9669
傳真 Fax:(020) 8757 3788
地址 Address:广州市天河区天河路625号天娱广场东塔1702
1702, 17/F, Eastern Tower, The Plaza, No.625, Tianhe Road, GuangZhou, P.R.China (Postal Code: 510630)